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ORCSD School Board News for March 16, 2022: New board members, budget and contracts approved, MS playground and construction update, tennis courts, and student achievements

Here are the ORCSD School Board updates published in Durham Friday Updates and school emails this week:

Oyster River School Board News for March 16, 2022

The Oyster River School Board welcomed new members Matthew Bacon and Heather Smith, elected to 3-year, at-large positions in the March 8, 2022 school district election. Voters also approved the school district operating budget for 2022-2023, contracts with ORESPA (custodians and office personnel) and ORPASS (paraeducators, school aids, school nutrition workers) unions, and adding to a reserve fund for eventual purchase of the ORMS solar array.

With the new Oyster River Middle School building open, planning is nearly complete for playground and fields to be installed this summer. Playground equipment will be on the back side of the school, basketball and four square area near the solar canopy, and the playing field in front of the school. Playground and field will be installed this summer. The hillside along Dennison will be regraded to provide spectator space for the field.

Removal of the old ORMS building will begin [Edit: Moved up by the construction manager.] the week of March 28 April 4 and is expected to be mostly complete by the end of April. Bricks from the original 1935 building will be available for a donation to the middle school. Details are still being finalized.

The school board approved contracts for replacing air handlers at Moharimet school and for construction of new tennis courts where the current ORHS athletic field parking is. These projects are expected to be completed over the summer.

ORMS is sending THREE teams to the VEX Robotics world championships. ORHS indoor track athletes just returned from competing at the New Balance Nationals, and seven ORMS students are headed to the New Hampshire state MathCounts competition. Congratulations and Go Bobcats!