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About ad punctum

Lets get to the point… ad punctum.

I’m Michael Williams, a husband, dad, engineer, and member of the Oyster River Cooperative School Board. This site gives me a way to share relevant information with the Oyster River community more easily.

While I am an elected school board member, the contents of this site represent only my opinions. As an individual school board member, I have no authority to make any decision, take any position, or require action on the part of the school district. Nothing on this site represents the official position of the Oyster River Cooperative School District, the Oyster River Cooperative School Board, ORCSD administration, any other ORCSD School Board member, my wife, or anybody else. Just me.

Why does that matter?

My goal is to share information and insight, to highlight information that may not be obvious about how the school district or school board operate, and share my perspectives. There are often nuances to the work of the school board, and this format is better for sharing those than a single social media post.

What if I have a comment or question?

I appreciate hearing from community members. If you have a comment about any school district matter, please email my school district address:

Some pages on this site have comment boxes. I will be selective about which comments are published. This web site is not a public forum or discussion group, and I will generally only post comments that are looking for specific information that will add to what I have already shared. The decision to post comments or not is mine alone and may be made for any reason.

If you’re looking for a public online discussion, there are already other venues for pubic discussion (i.e. Facebook) about Oyster River where more people are likely to see them.

It is possible that if multiple school board members post on any site / forum / online chat that discussion could be a violation of New Hampshire’s Right-To-Know law, because it could be considered a discussion that should only happen in a public meeting. I will not accept or publish comments from other ORCSD school board members on this site.

Please do NOT email my ORCSD email address with personal or non-school related emails. Please do not look me up on my personal email or social media to send private messages about school district matters.